Core Value People Respect and value the different experiences, talents, and contributions of all.

The Global Campus works with educators and staff across the Fayetteville campus to remove barriers and apply innovative solutions for online and on-campus learners. Partners can count on specialized GC teams to provide time and resources that help the University of Arkansas reach its goals. We also partner with industry, business leaders, government agencies, and other institutions to expand learning opportunities. All of these efforts help people across Arkansas, and beyond, advance their careers or start new ones. We welcome you to explore our services and connect with us.


  Online Course Development

Development of new online and distance education offerings.

Build Your Online Course

  Non-Credit Course Development

Offering non-credit, workforce, and professional development training.

Build a Non-Credit Course

  Program Market Analysis

Providing U of A academic departments help with program market analysis.

Request a Consultation

  Learning Technology Support

Helping find the right tools to support your teaching strategies

How Can We Help You?

  Instructional Design Support

Helping to determine what technology is the best to deliver educational content and promote interaction.

Need to Design
Educational Content?

  Quality Matters™ Peer Review

Standardizing process to ensure quality design in an online course.

Submit Your Course

  Recruitment & Student Outreach

Increasing enrollment in the high-quality online programs at the University of Arkansas.

Meeting Students
Where They Are

  Marketing Assistance

Promoting learning opportunities through strategic advertising and marketing campaigns.

Collaborate With Us

  New to Online Teaching

This short series is designed for the first-time online instructor teaching at the University of Arkansas.

Get Started With "The Basics"

University of Arkansas

Flexible options from a top public research university

Professional & Workforce

Providing educational opportunities to Northwest Arkansas and the World